Package org.aludratest.testcase

Interface Summary
AludraTestContext Test context provided to AludraTestCase instances in order to access information necessary for initialization and framework interaction.

Class Summary
AludraTestCase Parent class for plain AludraTest test classes.

Enum Summary
TestStatus Enumeration for the possible states of a TestObject.

Annotation Types Summary
After Marks a method as cleanup method.
Before Marks a method as initializer method.
Ignored Annotates a test method to be evaluated as ignored.
Offset Specifies a number of data sets to skip initially in test execution.
Parallel Annotates a test class or method on which invocations may occur concurrently.
Sequential Annotates a test class or method on which invocations may not occur concurrently.
Suite Marks a class as test suite.
Test Annotates a method as test method.

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