Deprecated API

Deprecated Interfaces
          The implementation is not yet functional; implementation was suspended in favour of other tasks! 

Deprecated Classes
          The implementation is not yet functional; implementation was suspended in favour of other tasks! 
          The implementation is not yet functional; implementation was suspended in favour of other tasks! 

Deprecated Methods
          Please prefer one of these methods to configure your objects:
  1. Retrieve your objects via AludraServiceManager, AludraTestContext or AludraServiceContext, and their methods to instantiate new objects. These will automatically configure the objects.
  2. If you require to directly configure an object, retrieve an Configurator instance from one of the mentioned classes, and use it to configure your object.
org.aludratest.config.ComponentConfigurator.configure(String, Configurable)
          Please prefer one of these methods to configure your objects:
  1. Retrieve your objects via AludraServiceManager, AludraTestContext or AludraServiceContext, and their methods to instantiate new objects. These will automatically configure the objects.
  2. If you require to directly configure an object, retrieve an Configurator instance from one of the mentioned classes, and use it to configure your object.
          This method should not be used for software design reasons. Better keep your AludraTest instance which is returned by startFramework, or use IoC patterns to retrieve components you need. 

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