Interface Dropdownbox

All Superinterfaces:
Element<Dropdownbox>, GUIComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Dropdownbox
extends Element<Dropdownbox>

Represents a dropdownbox in a GUI.

Joerg Langnickel, Volker Bergmann

Method Summary
 void assertContainsLabels(String... labels)
          Verifies that this Dropdownbox has the given labels (and possibly more than these).
 void assertHasLabels(String... labels)
          Checks if this Dropdownbox has the expected labels.
 void assertHasValues(String... values)
          Verifies that this Dropdownbox has the passed through values (and only these).
 void assertIsSelected(String label)
          Verifies that the passed label is selected in this Dropdownbox.
 void assertSelectedContains(String label)
          Verifies that the passed text is part of the currently selected label in this Dropdownbox.
 void assertSelectedIgnoreCaseTrimmed(String label)
          Verifies that the passed label is selected in this Dropdownbox.
 void assertSelectionMatches(org.databene.commons.Validator<String> validator)
          Asserts that the selection matches the provided Validator.
 void assertTextNotEquals(String label)
          Verifies that the passed label is not selected in this Dropdownbox.
 boolean checkContainsLabels(String... labels)
          Checks if this Dropdownbox has the given labels (and possibly more than these).
 boolean checkEqualsLabels(String... labels)
          Checks if this Dropdownbox has ONLY the given labels - in the order as speficied.
 String getSelectedEntry()
          Reads the selected value and returns it as a String.
 String getSelectedLabel()
          Reads the selected label and returns it as a String.
 void selectEntry(OptionLocator optionLocator)
          Selects an entry of a Dropdownbox by its locator, which must be either a LabelLocator or an IndexLocator.
 void selectEntry(String label)
          Selects an entry of this Dropdownbox by its label.
Methods inherited from interface org.aludratest.service.gui.component.Element
assertEnabled, assertFocus, assertNotEnabled, assertNotPresent, assertPresent, assertVisible, click, click, doubleClick, focus, getLocator, isEnabled, isEnabled, isNotPresent, isNotPresent, isPresent, isPresent, isPresentAndInForeground, isVisible, isVisible, waitingUntilTaskCompletion, waitingUntilTaskCompletion

Method Detail


void selectEntry(String label)
Selects an entry of this Dropdownbox by its label. If the label is null or marked as null, the operation is not executed. It the label is marked as empty, it will be replaced with "".

label - Label of the entry to select.


void selectEntry(OptionLocator optionLocator)
Selects an entry of a Dropdownbox by its locator, which must be either a LabelLocator or an IndexLocator.

optionLocator - is a LabelLocator or IndexLocator for identifying the entry to select. If null, no action is performed.


String getSelectedEntry()
Reads the selected value and returns it as a String.

the value of the selected entry


String getSelectedLabel()
Reads the selected label and returns it as a String.

the label of the selected entry


void assertIsSelected(String label)
Verifies that the passed label is selected in this Dropdownbox. If the label is null or marked as null the operation is not executed. If the label is marked as empty it will be replaced with ""

label - Label to check the currently selected label against.


void assertTextNotEquals(String label)
Verifies that the passed label is not selected in this Dropdownbox. If the label is null or marked as null the operation is not executed. If the label is marked as empty it will be replaced with ""

label - Label to check the currently selected label against.


void assertSelectedContains(String label)
Verifies that the passed text is part of the currently selected label in this Dropdownbox. If the label is null or marked as null the operation is not executed.

label - Label to check the currently selected label against.


void assertSelectedIgnoreCaseTrimmed(String label)
Verifies that the passed label is selected in this Dropdownbox. If the label is null or marked as null the operation is not executed. If the label is marked as empty it will be replaced with "". Differences in case, leading or trailing whitespace are ignored.

label - Label to check the currently selected label against.


void assertSelectionMatches(org.databene.commons.Validator<String> validator)
Asserts that the selection matches the provided Validator.

validator - the validator to apply for verification


void assertHasValues(String... values)
Verifies that this Dropdownbox has the passed through values (and only these). If only one value is passed and it is null or marked as null, the operation will not be executed.

values - Values to check the values of this Dropdownbox against.


void assertHasLabels(String... labels)
Checks if this Dropdownbox has the expected labels. The check fails if: If only one label is passed and it is null or marked as null, the operation will not be executed.

labels - which should be checked


void assertContainsLabels(String... labels)
Verifies that this Dropdownbox has the given labels (and possibly more than these). If only one value is passed and it is null or marked as null, the operation will not be executed.

labels - Labels to check the labels of this Dropdownbox against.


boolean checkContainsLabels(String... labels)
Checks if this Dropdownbox has the given labels (and possibly more than these).

labels - Labels to check the labels of this Dropdownbox against.
true if the checkbox contains the given labels, false otherwise.


boolean checkEqualsLabels(String... labels)
Checks if this Dropdownbox has ONLY the given labels - in the order as speficied.

labels - Labels to check the labels of this Dropdownbox against.
true if the checkbox only contains the given labels, false otherwise.

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