Interface CommandLineVerification

All Superinterfaces:
Action, Verification
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CommandLineVerification
extends Verification

Verification interface for the CommandLineService.

Volker Bergmann

Method Summary
 void assertEmptyErrOut(String processType, String processName, int processId)
          Asserts that the specified process has no more error output.
 void assertEmptyStdOut(String processType, String processName, int processId)
          Asserts that the specified process has no more standard output.
 void assertExitCodeEquals(String processType, String processName, int processId, int expectedValue)
          Asserts that the referenced process' exit value equals the expected value.
 void assertNextLineOfErrOutMatches(String processType, String processName, int processId, org.databene.commons.Validator<String> validator)
          Asserts that the next line of the specified process' error output is accepted by the Validator.
 void assertNextLineOfStdOutMatches(String processType, String processName, int processId, org.databene.commons.Validator<String> validator)
          Asserts that the next line of the specified process' standard output is accepted by the Validator.
Methods inherited from interface org.aludratest.service.Action
createAttachments, createDebugAttachments, setSystemConnector

Method Detail


void assertNextLineOfStdOutMatches(String processType,
                                   String processName,
                                   int processId,
                                   org.databene.commons.Validator<String> validator)
Asserts that the next line of the specified process' standard output is accepted by the Validator.

processType - the process type
processName - the process name
processId - the internal id of the process
validator -


void assertEmptyStdOut(String processType,
                       String processName,
                       int processId)
Asserts that the specified process has no more standard output.

processType - the process type
processName - the process name
processId - the internal id of the process


void assertNextLineOfErrOutMatches(String processType,
                                   String processName,
                                   int processId,
                                   org.databene.commons.Validator<String> validator)
Asserts that the next line of the specified process' error output is accepted by the Validator.

processType - the process type
processName - the process name
processId - the internal id of the process
validator -


void assertEmptyErrOut(String processType,
                       String processName,
                       int processId)
Asserts that the specified process has no more error output.

processType - the process type
processName - the process name
processId - the internal id of the process


void assertExitCodeEquals(String processType,
                          String processName,
                          int processId,
                          int expectedValue)
Asserts that the referenced process' exit value equals the expected value.

processType - the process type
processName - the process name
processId - the internal id of the process
expectedValue -

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