Interface Validatable

All Known Subinterfaces:
TestObserver, Writer<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTestObserver, FileWriter, HTMLReportObserver, PendingTestsObserver, VelocityReportTestObserver, VelocityTestCaseWriter, VelocityTestSuiteWriter, VelocityWriter, XMLReportObserver

public interface Validatable

Common interface for all classes that can be generically configured and verified.

Volker Bergmann

Method Summary
 void validate()
          This method is called by the log4testing framework after the configuration file has been parsed and applied and requests the Writer instance to verify if it was configured properly.

Method Detail


void validate()
This method is called by the log4testing framework after the configuration file has been parsed and applied and requests the Writer instance to verify if it was configured properly.

ConfigurationError - if the configuration is not alright.

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