Test Filter Syntax

As described under Run a test, you can specify dynamic filter criteria to determine which test classes to execute.

The filter string is usually configured within your Apache Maven pom.xml.

This is the syntax of these filters, in BNF:

Filter             ::= AndFilter OrFilterList
OrFilterList       ::= EOF | '|' AndFilter OrFilterList
AndFilter          ::= AttributeName Comparison AttributeValueList AndFilterList
AndFilterList      ::=  | ';' AndFilter AndFilterList
AttributeName      ::= Identifier
Comparison         ::= '=' | '!='
AttributeValueList ::= AttributeValue
                       | '(' AttributeValue AttributeValues ')'
AttributeValues    ::=  | ',' AttributeValue AttributeValues
AttributeValue     ::= Identifier

For an Identifier, all characters except ,;()=!| are valid.

A valid filter would be:


Note that spaces are ignored and only kept within identifiers (so an identifier cannot begin or end with a space).

So this would result in the same filter:

author = (jdoe, mmiller  );status!=(Draft,  InWork ) ; testgroup =UAT   | status =Approved

To refer to the fact that a given attribute is not present in a class, use [] as attribute value, e.g.:


This refers to all classes having jdoe or mmiller as author, or no author attribute set at all.


This includes only test classes not having the status attribute set to Draft or InWork. Classes without a status attribute are also excluded (note that, if the [] would not be listed in the filter, these classes would match the criterion not Draft nor InWork).